Your Body Runs On


Aside from nutrition and exercise, another critical factor to optimal health is cellular voltage.

A silhouette of a person made of blue and yellow dots

Voltage, Nutrition, and Dealing with Toxicity are the most important factors in cellular health.

The BioCharger® NG is a powerful resource that generates beneficial energies, and resets energetic patterns in our bodies so that cells function at optimum levels.

Benefits of Using BioCharger


The BioCharger NG will revitalize your body to perform at peak levels and have you bouncing out of bed.


Whether it’s a workout, an injury, stress, or the bumps and bruises of everyday life, the BioCharger NG platform will allow you a quicker bounce-back.


Getting the most out of your body comes down to effort, practice, and the recovery that follows. Just 15 minutes a day with the BioCharger NG can accelerate you toward your new personal best.


The BioCharger NG helps align your mind and body to allow you to work efficiently.


The BioCharger NG delivers healing energy waves that will realign your mind and body, so you’re prepared to face the day in the morning and ready for bed at night.


Just as the BioCharger NG helps to accelerate muscle recovery and reduce stiffness in joints, it also contributes to improved mobility and flexibility.

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